Click thumbnails for larger pictures.
The Black Dress
If Rembrandt had painted Sue, the result might look something like this.
Sue and Ian
Sue, with friend Ian Freeman, at the Heritage Foundation's Christmas dinner in November 2003.
Sue and Teddy
Sue poses with her newly-adopted Cavapoo puppy, Teddy:
she humorously describes him as "the new man in my life."
Sue "Carries On Selling"
At a Heritage Foundation event in October 2003,
Sue displays memorabilia of Carry On actor Terry Scott, being sold for charity.
Sue Gets Nautical (But Nice)
From late September 2018:
Sue on a jet-boat excursion on the Thames, with her work colleagues.
Sue In 2022
Sue sent this photo, specifically so visitors to this website could have a contemporary picture of her to view.
Sue, Mother of the Bride
At her daughter Louise's wedding on July 19, 2008,
Sue models her "large, posh" wedding hat.
Sue on Facebook
A lovely quadruple portrait of Sue, found on a Facebook group devoted to the Angels.
Sue on Telly
My friend and fellow Sue-fan Mark Cox sent this evocative screen capture of Sue,
from an April 2014 repeat of the documentary The Unforgettable Benny Hill.
Sue On The Town 
For Sue's birthday in 2024, Sue's daughter Louise took her to see Moulin Rouge in the West End.
Of the show, Sue writes:
"Moulin Rouge was just spectacular, […] and oh my! the dance routines put Hills Angels routine to shame, in the way of being sexy, suggestive and a bit rude,
made our routines look so tame, if you don't like gyrations, stockings and suspenders then don't watch this musical."
Sue's (and Rosie's) Lockdown Locks
June 2020: the COVID-19 lockdown still grips Britain, and neither Sue nor her faithful dog Rosie have seen a stylist for months.
Sue writes: "[H]ere is me with my fat dog Rosie, lying by my side in my lounge, sorry she would not rise to the occasion, ha ha!"
Sue's Birthday Bash
From Sue's birthday in November 2021.
Sue's Birthday Bouquet
From Sue's birthday in November 2022: a lovely bouquet for a lovely lady.
Any more pictures of Sue? Email Erik Larsen.